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How to launch a website in a day, for free

DevArmor is a security copilot for software engineers

I just launched a new marketing website in less than 24 hours, for free! Here’s a quick breakdown of the tech and tools I used:

⚙️Technology Stack

✅ Astro: a web framework for building content-driven websites with as little JavaScript overhead as possible, yet very customizable. Perfect for creating efficient, content-driven websites.

✅ Vercel: It ensures that our website is not only fast but also secure.

✅ Design: I used ChatGPT to generate a hero image. Of course, a professional designer can add a lot more value and creativity to generate stunning designs, but for a quick experiment, this works!

✅ Photo Editing: I used Photoshop for image cropping and resizing. There are simpler alternatives and tools like Squoosh for programmatic image processing.

🧰 Why Not Squarespace or WordPress?

We are building a developer tool, so we want to show pride in our attention to detail and engineering workflows. With Vercel, I know my website is super fast and secure. With the git-based workflow, we are in control of the website’s updates at a much more granular level. I may still use WordPress as a headless CMS as we grow. 

👀 Take a Look! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the site.
